The Margarita Madness is a 5K run being held at Gateway Park. The Margarita run is mostly focused on margaritas and less on speed. You must be 21 or older to participate. All participants “will get mad margaritas” – Margarita Madness 5K, and a fun-filled evening with friends and family. Early bird ticket prices and sale for this event, ends on Feb. 19th all though you can still buy tickets at a later date.
The early bird ticket includes a Commemorative Margarita Madness 5K Run Medal at the finish of the race, Margarita Madness 5K Run T-Shirt, Margarita Madness 5K Run Race Bib, Margarita Madness 5K Run Margarita at the finish line, Admission to Margarita Madness 5K Run After Party™, go enjoy and make sure to take a beginning and an end photo.
The Margarita Madness 5k™ run will have you enthusiastically getting ready for the next one!
Where: Gateway Park
751 Beach St, Fort Worth, Texas 76117
When: Saturday, March 10th at 2:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M.
More Information:
Tickets: You Must Be 21 & Over To Participate Pre-sale Tickets