About a week ago, Reddit users on the Fort Worth subreddit had a lively discussion about what the residents of our city should be called. We wanted to share the best nicknames that came out of this discussion with you today – we think you’ll like them!
The top commenter thought that we should call ourselves “Fort Worther’s originals” after Werther’s Original Candy. Although we love a good pun, we don’t think that we’ll be calling ourselves this anytime soon… it’s a bit of a mouthful!
One of our personal favorites was “Fort Worthies.” It’s short and sweet just like a nickname should be!
We also liked one commenter’s suggestion that we call ourselves “Fort Worthingtons.” It’s quite a distinguished sounding name, which we think fits the residents of Fort Worth perfectly.
One longtime Fort Worth resident thinks that a special moniker for Fort Worth residents is unneccessary. He says that “I’m from Fort Worth” is a sufficient enough response when someone asks where you’re from.
We think that this final comment settled the debate once and for all. According to Wikipedia, we’re “Fort Worthers.”
If you’d like to read the rest of the responses, click on the link below. There are lots of funny comments we didn’t get a chance to include, so check them out!
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/FortWorth/comments/b9fuqc/are_we_fort_worthians_fort_worthicans_fort/
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