If you don’t have Fourth of July plans yet, you will after reading this post!
Panther Island Pavilion is hosting a huge Fourth of July event. It starts early in the afternoon, but trust us, you’ll want to be there for the whole thing! There’ll be horseback riding, tubing, ziplining, live music, water slides, a petting zoo, a huge fireworks display, and much more. It’ll take the whole day just to experience it all!
There’s also going to be tons of classic American food at this event. Corndogs, hamburgers, kettle corn, and turkey legs are all on the menu, so you won’t miss out on Fourth of July barbeque food by choosing this event over your family’s cookout.
Wanna know the best part? General admission is free!
When: July 4th, 2019 from 2 PM to 10 PM
Where: Panther Island Pavilion
395 Purcey Street, Fort Worth, TX
More information: https://fortworthsfourth.com