Millions of kids are bullied in schools, thousands right here in the Fort Worth area. According to StopBullying.gov 20%-28% of students in middle school and high school will get bullied this school year. 16,000 kids skip school each day to avoid being bullied. Together, we can stop bullying in our community.
This Saturday local personal trainer Bo Brown, his non-profit B3 Against Bullying, and others are coming together for a first annual Walk Against Bullying at Trinity Park. Join them and let’s show the kids of Fort Worth that bullying is coming to an end.
When: Saturday, February 9th, 2019 at 9 am
Where: Trinity Park
2401 University Dr fort worth, TX 76107
Register: https://www.active.com/fort-worth-tx/walking/b3-walk-against-bullying-2019